Friday, May 15, 2015


April 30th 2015

Because of the hectic week of Midterm test on the end of the month, we had difficult time to arrange our visit to PAUD An-Nur, we had to reschedule it, then. This was the third time we visited the children in PAUD An-Nur, not in every Wednesday like we usually did, we had to visit them on Thursday.

We planned to take some formal pictures with the teachers and children in PAUD An-Nur, so we wore our fanciest clothes: the combination of Batik and our University's blazer. The school was so busy and crowded when we first arrived in the school, we were so clueless and had no idea about what was going on there, but luckily, we came in the right time to take some pictures.
They held a graduation day for the children in the B class. The teachers and parents dressed their children with mini graduation uniforms and they hired a photographer to snap the moments, the teachers were also wearing nice blue uniforms. The children looked way too cute and the teachers were beautiful.

 The other classes, the Play group and A Class still had lesson to be taught, even though the teachers were so busy handling the graduation for B Class, then, it was our job to help the teachers to look after and accompanied the children.

Our main topic today was the universe and celestial objects. We taught the children about the sun, stars, rainbow, moon and the other planets; we draw the picture of them in the board and asked the children what its name in English, after that, we sang some of the Indonesian children’s songs along with them; “Ambilkan Bulanku…”, “Bintang Kecil” and “ Pelangi Pelangi”. The kids sang with loud voice, almost like yelling, but that’s what made them funny and cute. They were so enthusiastic and couldn’t wait for the breakfast time, and finally the class ended 30 minutes after they had their breakfast.

Again, we had great time in PAUD AN-Nur.

Congratulations for the kids in B class, study hard and be a good kid, we hope you all have great future ahead!

Community Program

 Adinda Windy - 1801427923

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